Eugene Investment&Futures


Opening Account


Appoint standing proxy and designate foreign exchange bank

To ensure that your future investment related activities are carried out in a timely manner, you need to designate standing proxy. Also to execute all foreign exchange transactions and fund transfer, you may appoint one or more foreign exchange bank(s). Eligible institutions include Foreign exchange banks, securities firms, Korea securities depository,international custodian and securities firms.


Apply for Investment Registration Card

In order to invest in KRW denominated products listed on KRX, foreigners and non-resident aliens may obtain an Investor Registration Certificate (IRC) from the Financial Supervisory Service (FSS). As for foreign investor, it is acceptable to use Business Registration.


Open a cash account at Bank

To place an order, you need to open bank accounts for payments and receipts related futures transaction. One for foreign currency (USD), another for domestic currency (KRW)


Open a customer account at Eugene Investment & Futures

Please contact Eugene Investment & Futures to obtain the required document and account form to open an account.
click here  for downloading accounts forms.

Download account forms. Open and print account documents.

Read carefully, sign and return the completed new account documents via Air-mail or courier to Eugene Investment & Futures. In addition to account opening application form, the following documents are required.

Documents Required for Account Opening


Documents Required for Account Opening



Seal (or signature)


Copy of standing proxy agreements

Resident card of standing proxy

Copy of certificate of incorporation

Seal of standing proxy (for institutions)

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We can accompany you through the account opening process. Please contact us for more information.

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